Monday, April 21, 2008

R - Rockin' Years

You have to go and listen to this
before you watch the video below

Marv has been singing this to Chloe when he rocks her in his rocking chair since she was born.

I hope this shows up better for you than it does on my computer. I need a new monitor.


Margaret said...

That is so cute. I almost teared up. What a great memory Marv is placing on that little girl's heart.

Margaret said...

By the way, the video is a little dark, but still able to see what is going on.

footsack said...

Awww....that is adorable!!!
It is quite dark but I can see she is rocking her doll.
How precious!!

Sue said...

That's about how it recorded. We only had the lamp on when she did this. My screen is totally black.

Cindi said...

Chloe made me play this about 10 times for her. i didn't mind though! I love it so much I had already watched it 4 or 5 times myself!

Becky said...

Oh man. That is SO FRICKIN' CUTE.

Aren't Grampas the greatest?

Christine said...

That is adorable. I love how she hits the low note. Good thing that it was caught on video.